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Entertaining Riddles: A Blend of Fun

Enjoy these delightful riddles that challenge your wit and creativity:

Enjoy these delightful riddles that challenge your wit and creativity:

 Entertaining Riddles: A Blend of Fun

  1. What loses something from its tail every time it moves a step?

    • Answer: A sewing needle.
  2. Who is the person who died without being born?

    • Answer: Prophet Adam (peace be upon him).
  3. How many pairs of animals did Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) carry with him on the ark before the flood?

    • Answer: None, because it was Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) who carried them.
  4. What runs but cannot walk?

    • Answer: Water.
  5. What carries its food above its head, eats it when it moves, and covers its head and sleeps when it stops?

    • Answer: A pen (specifically a fountain pen).
  6. Something benefits from its top like a human and benefits from its bottom like an animal, what is it?

    • Answer: Wheat; humans benefit from its grains, while animals are fed with its straw.
  7. Something born in fire, clear like water, and settles on the ground when it dies?

    • Answer: Glass.
  8. Something we see but cannot touch; its first letters kill and its last letters are something we drink?

    • Answer: The sky.
  9. What doesn't cool down when you put it in the fridge?

    • Answer: Hot pepper.
  10. It has leaves but is not a plant, has skin but is not an animal, has knowledge but is not a human, what is it?

    • Answer: A book.
  11. What do you throw away every time you need it?

    • Answer: A fishing net.
  12. What falls on your head but doesn't hurt you?

    • Answer: Rain.
  13. What do you carry that can also carry you?

    • Answer: A shoe.
  14. What cries when you cry and laughs when you laugh?

    • Answer: A mirror.
  15. Who is the only person who sits in front of kings and presidents?

    • Answer: The driver.
  16. What always tells the truth but lies when hungry?

    • Answer: The clock; it always gives the correct time except when its battery dies.
  17. What is green on the ground, black in the market, and red at home?

    • Answer: Tea.
  18. Which creature never sleeps unless wearing shoes?

    • Answer: A horse.
  19. If Ahmed's father has three sons: Mohammed, Omar, what is the name of the third son?

    • Answer: Ahmed.
  20. Give me the name of a fruit with three letters; if you change the first letter to the third, it remains unchanged?

    • Answer: Fig (also works for peach).
  21. What moves around the house without moving?

    • Answer: The wall.
  22. It has a neck but no head, what is it?

    • Answer: A bottle.
  23. What protects you in summer and warms you in winter?

    • Answer: A tree.
  24. What is the cage that cannot imprison any animal no matter how small?

    • Answer: The rib cage.
  25. It's full of holes but can hold water inside, what is it?

    • Answer: Sponge.
  26. What is long when new and short when old?

    • Answer: A candle.
  27. It gets wet when water enters but immediately we search for a solution when it stops?

    • Answer: Light.
  28. I have branches but no trunk or leaves, what am I?

    • Answer: A bank (financial institution).
  29. A little girl bought 10 eggs, on her way home all the eggs broke except three, how many unbroken eggs does she have?

    • Answer: Three.
  30. Something that smells from the tongue, has no ears, and humans fear it, what is it?

    • Answer: A snake.
  31. What can fill the room without taking up space?

    • Answer: Light.
  32. It has a thumb and four fingers but is not a hand, what is it?

    • Answer: A glove.
  33. Something that runs a long course in our lives, has a unique taste and color but its shape can change?

    • Answer: Water.
  34. How many letters are in the alphabet?

    • Answer: 8 letters: أ ل أ ب ج د ي ة.
  35. Who is the only maternal uncle of your cousins?

    • Answer: Your father.
  36. What takes you from your home to work without moving?

    • Answer: The road.
  37. A house with no doors or windows, what is it?

    • Answer: A tent.
  38. What is in the middle of Makkah?

    • Answer: The letter "Kaaf" (the middle letter of the word "Makkah" in Arabic).
  39. What do you eat from, but you cannot eat?

    • Answer: A plate.
  40. If you remove the first letter of a month, it becomes the name of a fruit?

    • Answer: July; remove the "J" and it becomes "uly," which phonetically resembles "Uly," a variant of "Ugli," a type of fruit.

These riddles offer both amusement and a mental challenge. Enjoy solving them and share the fun with others!

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