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Four Takeaways from the First Presidential Debate

In the first presidential debate of 2024 between incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, tensions were high and

The first presidential debate of 2024 between incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump was a highly anticipated event, watched by millions of Americans. This debate was not just an exchange of policy positions but a critical test of leadership and resilience under pressure. With growing questions surrounding both candidates' capabilities, the debate served as a pivotal moment in the ongoing campaign, highlighting their strengths and vulnerabilities on a national stage.

Four Takeaways from the First Presidential Debate
Four Takeaways from the First Presidential Debate

 1. Doubts About Biden’s Viability as the Democratic Nominee

The most significant takeaway from the debate was the spotlight on President Biden's performance, raising concerns among Democrats about his suitability as the nominee. Although the national conventions have not occurred, making it almost impossible for Biden to be replaced, his debate performance fueled doubts. Biden showed some strength, particularly on foreign policy, and had notable moments like calling Trump a “whiner.” However, his overall delivery lacked vigor, leaving party leaders and strategists to ponder the potential impact if a different Democrat were on stage.

2. The Impact of Optics on Perception

Debates are as much about visuals as they are about words. Biden's hoarse voice and occasional confusion on a split screen contrasted sharply with Trump, who appeared more composed than usual due to the debate’s format. The visual aspect was detrimental to Biden, who struggled to project confidence and clarity. This is especially crucial as debates often shape public perception more through optics than through content.

3. Format and Moderation Benefited Trump

The debate format, which included muted microphones to manage interruptions, inadvertently benefited Trump. It made him appear more controlled and allowed him to use verbal tactics to deflect his vulnerabilities onto Biden. The moderators’ decision to avoid strong fact-checking enabled Trump to spread falsehoods unchallenged, leaving the audience to discern the truth without sufficient guidance.

4. Limited Impact on the Race Dynamics

Despite the drama, the debate is unlikely to significantly shift the election’s dynamics. Biden’s weak moments and Trump’s falsehoods both played into existing narratives. Trump’s inability to credibly address key issues like his conduct during the January 6 Capitol siege and his extreme positions on certain policies likely continued to alienate swing voters. Conversely, many voters may still support Biden primarily because he is not Trump. The debate underscored why many Americans feel dissatisfied with their choices, but it did not necessarily change their existing preferences.


The first presidential debate of 2024 highlighted significant vulnerabilities for both candidates. Biden's performance raised questions about his age and capability, while Trump’s familiar tactics and spread of misinformation showed his unchanging approach. As the race continues, these debates serve to reinforce rather than redefine voter opinions, illustrating the complexities of the current political landscape.

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