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Hellblade 2 Showcases Impressive Reviews – Yet Fails to Make Top 100 Bestsellers List

Hellblade 2 delivers a thrilling experience with stunning graphics, hailed by some as the best of this generation. Despite this, the game faced

Hellblade 2 delivers a thrilling experience with stunning graphics, hailed by some as the best of this generation. Despite this, the game faced various criticisms due to its lengthy development period of no less than six years and the relatively short playtime required to complete it, around seven hours. Nonetheless, the title received impressive reviews, which Microsoft highlighted in its latest promotional video.

The video below showcases the best reviews the game has received since its release in May. However, the title failed to appear on the list of best-selling games in Europe for May. In fact, Hellblade 2 did not make it into the top 100 bestsellers list.

It's clear that the game's availability on Game Pass from day one significantly impacted its sales. However, it is worth noting that Starfield managed to be in the top ten at launch. Let's hope this limited sales performance does not spell a bleak future for the Hellblade series.

Key Points:

  1. Impressive Reviews:

    • Hellblade 2 has received remarkable reviews for its graphics and overall experience, considered by some to be the best of its generation.
  2. Development Criticisms:

    • The game faced criticism for its extended development period, taking over six years to complete, and its relatively short gameplay duration of approximately seven hours.
  3. Sales Performance:

    • Despite positive reviews, Hellblade 2 did not make it into the top 100 best-selling games in Europe for May.
    • The game's inclusion in Game Pass from day one significantly impacted its sales figures.
  4. Comparison with Starfield:

    • Unlike Hellblade 2, Starfield managed to reach the top ten bestsellers at launch, suggesting that other factors might have contributed to Hellblade

This situation highlights the complexities of the gaming market, where critical acclaim does not always translate into high sales, especially with the evolving landscape of game distribution and subscription services.

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