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Rockstar Displays Never-Before-Seen Memorabilia for GTA and Red Dead at Scottish Museum

Rockstar North has lent rare memorabilia from the Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption games to a gaming exhibition held at a Scottish museum.

Rockstar North has lent rare memorabilia from the Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption games to a gaming exhibition held at a Scottish museum.

Game On is an exhibition scheduled to take place at the National Museum of Scotland from June 29 to November 3, featuring a section dedicated to Rockstar North, which was founded and continues to operate in Scotland.

The exhibition, with exclusive images available below, includes a statue of Claude from GTA 3, a skateboard from GTA San Andreas, a 10th-anniversary baseball bat from GTA 3, and a "key to the city" from Grand Theft Auto 4.

The exhibition, with exclusive images available below, includes a statue of Claude from GTA 3, a skateboard from GTA San Andreas, a 10th-anniversary baseball bat from GTA 3, and a "key to the city" from Grand Theft Auto 4.

The exhibition, with exclusive images available below, includes a statue of Claude from GTA 3, a skateboard from GTA San Andreas, a 10th-anniversary baseball bat from GTA 3, and a "key to the city" from Grand Theft Auto 4.

The exhibition, with exclusive images available below, includes a statue of Claude from GTA 3, a skateboard from GTA San Andreas, a 10th-anniversary baseball bat from GTA 3, and a "key to the city" from Grand Theft Auto 4.

The exhibition, with exclusive images available below, includes a statue of Claude from GTA 3, a skateboard from GTA San Andreas, a 10th-anniversary baseball bat from GTA 3, and a "key to the city" from Grand Theft Auto 4.

The exhibition, with exclusive images available below, includes a statue of Claude from GTA 3, a skateboard from GTA San Andreas, a 10th-anniversary baseball bat from GTA 3, and a "key to the city" from Grand Theft Auto 4.

The exhibition, with exclusive images available below, includes a statue of Claude from GTA 3, a skateboard from GTA San Andreas, a 10th-anniversary baseball bat from GTA 3, and a "key to the city" from Grand Theft Auto 4.

The exhibition, with exclusive images available below, includes a statue of Claude from GTA 3, a skateboard from GTA San Andreas, a 10th-anniversary baseball bat from GTA 3, and a "key to the city" from Grand Theft Auto 4.

Highlighted Memorabilia:

  1. Claude Statue (GTA 3):

    • A detailed statue of Claude, the silent protagonist from Grand Theft Auto 3, highlighting the character's impact and legacy in the gaming world.
  2. Skateboard (GTA San Andreas):

    • A unique skateboard from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, showcasing the game's influence on popular culture and its incorporation of diverse gameplay elements.
  3. 10th Anniversary Baseball Bat (GTA 3):

    • A commemorative baseball bat celebrating the 10th anniversary of Grand Theft Auto 3, symbolizing the game's significant milestone and its enduring popularity.
  4. Key to the City (GTA 4):

    • A "key to the city" from Grand Theft Auto 4, representing the game's achievement and the player's ultimate reward for completing various challenges within the game.

Exhibition Details:

  • Name: Game On
  • Location: National Museum of Scotland
  • Dates: June 29 to November 3
  • Special Section: Dedicated to Rockstar North, showcasing the company’s contributions to the gaming industry from its Scottish roots.

This exhibition offers a unique opportunity for fans and gaming enthusiasts to witness these rare artifacts and celebrate the legacy of Rockstar North’s iconic game franchises.

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